The directing of the elemental energies, which abound in the environment, was pillar to the healing arts practiced by the medical kahuna, along with a variety of physical manipulation techniques, massage, herbal treatments, and spiritual practices. When we are presented with life situations which create distress (physical, emotional, energetic, or spiritual), we must make choices as to the way we will best utilize the resources around us to regain our balance and well being. The philosophy, healing techniques, and spiritual beliefs of the ancient Hawaiians address these life situations.
According to ancient teaching there are three bodies that each of us maintain throughout our lives; the physical, the energetic, and the spiritual body. Each of these bodies has it’s own needs, goals and functions. Health and well being happen when there is freedom of movement and interplay between each.
The physical body is the means through which we experience the environment we live in. It provides us the information and sensations which we use to define who we are, how we are, and the quality of our existence. We must provide the physical body with nutrients, fluids, sensations, thoughts, protections and maintenance in order to maintain healthy functioning.
The energetic body is the power source for the physical body, and provides the communication and bonding of the three bodies, The energetic body is composed of elemental energies each having magnetic and electrical current. The quality of energy needed by each part of the physical body is supplied and regulated by the energetic body. The energies provided to the physical body are balanced according to what is needed and where it is needed. The energetic body recharges itself from the environment around it. It is aggressive in finding and using what it needs. When injury or illness affects the physical body, the energetic body increases its output to the areas in need. If the need for energetic resources becomes greater than the amount the energetic body can gather and supply the energetic body begins to exhaust.
The spiritual body provides us with the visions and possibilities ahead of us. It acts as a guide for us to follow as we do the physical thing called life. When the physical body asserts discipline and the energetic body exerts power, the spiritual body can be used to gather information, energetic resources, and healing power from the original source of all creation. The Hawaiians call it Mana (the purest light and power ) which comes from Po ( the great darkness from which creation came ). The information and resources gathered through the spiritual body can be used by the energetic body for healing and growth.
Seeking the best way to understand, find, and use the spiritual body is usually confusing and frightening. We are required to look inside our fears and make choices which promote positive movement. Many cultures call this seeking enlightenment. The spiritual body’s goal of enlightenment is not about living forever, but living fully, with full energy, full health, and full vitality then stepping easily into freedom when the physical body is no longer needed.