Kahuna Philosophy

For centuries, the kahuna of Hawaii have used the gifts from nature to care for their people and environment.

The ancient tradition of the kahuna stands outside the empirical nature of western medical practice and allows for a new experience in understanding, help and healing for many people who have only known medicine as practiced in America.  Medical kahuna employ Mana (the highest spiritual power), and the four elements to facilitate the healing capacities of the people they care for. According to kahuna, Mana is more than the basic energies manifested in life. It is the creative force of all life. The conscious ability to direct the elements and Mana correctly, is innate to the work of the Kahu O Mana…… Breath, Touch, Healing and Diagnostics.


The elements (Fire, Air, Water, Earth) are the building blocks of the physical realities we exist in. All of creation is comprised of various forms and combination of these elemental energies. As the qualities and strengths of the elements interplay with the spiritual aspects of the universe, the formations of our lives develop. Our continued healthy functioning is regulated by these same universal forces. The kahuna of Hawaii have a timeless understanding and respect for these universal laws.


The directing of the elemental energies, which abound in the environment, was pillar to the healing arts practiced by the medical kahuna, along with a variety of physical manipulation techniques, massage, herbal treatments, and spiritual practices. When we are presented with life situations which create distress (physical, emotional, energetic, or spiritual), we must make choices as to the way we will best utilize the resources around us to regain our balance and well being. The philosophy, healing techniques, and spiritual beliefs of the ancient Hawaiians address these life situations.

According to ancient teaching there are three bodies that each of us maintain throughout our lives; the physical, the energetic, and the spiritual body. Each of these bodies has it’s own needs, goals and functions. Health and well being happen when there is freedom of movement and interplay between each.

The physical body is the means through which we experience the environment we live in. It provides us the information and sensations which we use to define who we are, how we are, and the quality of our existence. We must provide the physical body with nutrients, fluids, sensations, thoughts, protections and maintenance in order to maintain healthy functioning.

The energetic body is the power source for the physical body, and provides the communication and bonding of the three bodies, The energetic body is composed of elemental energies each having magnetic and electrical current. The quality of energy needed by each part of the physical body is supplied and regulated by the energetic body. The energies provided to the physical body are balanced according to what is needed and where it is needed. The energetic body recharges itself from the environment around it. It is aggressive in finding and using what it needs. When injury or illness affects the physical body, the energetic body increases its output to the areas in need. If the need for energetic resources becomes greater than the amount the energetic body can gather and supply the energetic body begins to exhaust.

The spiritual body provides us with the visions and possibilities ahead of us. It acts as a guide for us to follow as we do the physical thing called life. When the physical body asserts discipline and the energetic body exerts power, the spiritual body can be used to gather information, energetic resources, and healing power from the original source of all creation. The Hawaiians call it Mana (the purest light and power ) which comes from Po ( the great darkness from which creation came ). The information and resources gathered through the spiritual body can be used by the energetic body for healing and growth.

Seeking the best way to understand, find, and use the spiritual body is usually confusing and frightening. We are required to look inside our fears and make choices which promote positive movement. Many cultures call this seeking enlightenment. The spiritual body’s goal of enlightenment is not about living forever, but living fully, with full energy, full health, and full vitality then stepping easily into freedom when the physical body is no longer needed.

Hawaiian Energetics Individule sessions are specific to your personal recuests. It is one of those few times when you arrive are asked “what may I help you with?” and Kaleolani then prepares and provides
the reasources to set the healing in motion.
Healing sessions are done with only your shoes, jewlery, and belts being removed. Your request for physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic needs can be addressed. Your resources and requests are attended to with energetic touch, physical touch, and spiritual touch thru chant and prayer.

Distance healing is also availabe after conversation between you and Kaleolani.

The sessons are always made availabe regardless of financial concerns.
Open caring conversation is always invited and encouraged.

Induividual Healing Session may be scheduled with Kaleolani. He currently lives in San Diego, Ca and is occasionaly teaching and seeing individual people in various locations. Contact him by e-mail, text, or phone at the Ke Kumu number and e-mail.

Kaleolani@kekumi.com    619-677-4700

Individual Healing Sessions

It’s about


 and your




Hawaiian Energetics

Integrating Elemental Energies

Hawaiian Energetics utilizes the resources of the world around us. It’s origins are rooted in the ancient healing teachings of the kahuna of Hawaii.

Hawaiian Energetics 2024 winter Zoom and in-person Schedule






Ke Kumu Talk Story
for students and practitioners
The second Sunday of each month at 12 pm to 2 pm PST (free)


                 This is a time for Ohana to meet up to have contact with each other, share, and ask questions.

Please Contact
Kaleolani@kekumu.com for the Zoom link
San Diego & Zoom Talk Story: Topic: Practice, Discipline,
                                                                                       and Routine


San Diego and Zoom

January 27, 2023  8 to 3 (ish) pst


This talk story is motivated by Kaleolanis 30+ years of study and doing healing sessions with

Hawaiian Energetics (old way of Kahuna Haha)

A day to listen, interact, and understand the old ways of Hawaiian progression to becoming a Master.

Kaleolani will talk openly of his journey as taught to him by his teachers Nelita and Lanakila both honored  


Let your curiosity, struggles, and wants guide you questions.   


 Talk Story fee: $85.00 (a $25.00 non-refundable deposit is required to reserve a place in this Talk Story.)

                                      (balance due on or before first day of class.)





February 2024  

Saturday February 10th through Saturday February 17th

Island of Molokai, Hawaii  (west end of island)




This coming February Kaleolani will turn 77 and is taking his place as kapuna and Elder of Ke Kumu.

This transition is with his full confidence in each of the Kahu O Mana of this oʻhana, that they will to continue the traditions of the lineage and the teaching of the “old ways”of the healing kahuna. They are truly the keepers of the huna and teachings along with Kaleolani.

In this February class Kaleolani is providing the subtle huna and Hawaiian manaʻo of this generations-old kahuna lineage.

This is the first time and the beginning of  his sharing the Hawaiian way of seeing this modern world and the deeper understanding of yourselves as you learn and grow as a healer in the old ways.

Kaleolani has chosen to make this time available to anyone who has had any training with any of the Kahu O Manas of this oʻhana and lineage.

During these 8 days in February he will also talk story of the interests, questions, and relationships you may have with the elements. As we are exploring Kaʻaina (the land), the deep foundations of contentment and strength which is Molokai will be open to participants.

Kaleolani has been requesting the Akua, Aumakua, and Kaʻaina to be attentive to each participants needs, learning, and growth. Kaleolani has and continues to gather the requests and offerings to Akua, Aumakua, and Kaʻaina.

Talk Story fee:  $875.00    10% discount( $787.00) if paid in full by January 1, 2024


A $275.00 non refundable registration fee is required to insure your space and participation.

Zelle, Venmo, and checks accepted

contact Kaleolani by e-mail for questions and names for payment forms.





 Additional Classes  with


being post soon





Ed Kaleolani Spencer

Kaleolani has spent over 30 years in the health care field. His traditional medical training provides him with a substantial base upon which to build integrated treatments for the people he cares for. He is trained as a Cranial Sacral Therapist, Gestalt Therapist, and in the Ida RoIf method of structural integration.   He has conducted training programs on various forms of body work, counseling, health care, substance abuse, and self improvement at hospitals, social service agencies, and training centers through out the U.S..  Ed has consulted for many hospitals and health care facilities in developing alternative therapy programs in the western medical setting.   Kaleolani is the founder of Ke Kumu, lntegrative Therapies, and co-founded of The AIDS Alternative Health Project,….. all in Chicago.   He began his Hawaiian training in 1986 with Nelita Kapaaloha Po'okui Lonokahikini Peleiholani Kukuilaakaa Anderson, a Kahuna HaHa and Kahuna Lapa'au (kahuna of the ancient healing arts of Hawaii).  Nelita taught Kaleolani in the old ways and required 1 on 1 teaching to insure his skills.   Named Kaleolani, in an Inoa ritual, as a Kahu 0 Mana, he is dedicated to the healing arts of ancient Hawaii.  Using the knowledge he has been given, he now brings Hawaii Energetics to others.

Nelita Kapaaloha Po’okui Lonokahikini Peleiholani KuKuialaakea

Nelita’s birth was foretold by kapuna and kahuna where her family lived. They (the kapuna and kahuna) understood that her birth was of great importance for her people and she would be born with full sight and great skills as a kahuna. They told her parents of the need for her to have the best training for the work she was to do. At age 4 the kapuna came to the family and told them the time had come for her training to begin.

They wanted to take her with them to insure her proper training in all the aspect of Kahuna. Her Tutu (grandmother) stepped forward and told them she would train Nelita. Nelita’s grandmother was a highly respected and ranked Kahuna. She was rigorously tested by the other Kahuna and was found extremely capable to train Nelita. Nelita went to live with her grandmother for the next 20 years to learn all the ancient ways of Kahuna. Her skills as a Medical Kahuna and her abilities in all the ways of Kahuna were exceptional. 

    Nelita began teaching her lineage later in life to selected students to insure that knowledge would not be lost and the healing arts of her lineage would continue.

    Nelita passed this physical life at age 64 and from her freer position continues to guide and complete the training of those that carry her lineage. That commitment was continued for 17 years and is coming to a close soon. Her freedom will be complete and her passing on of the ancient knowledge also complete.

    Mahalo nui loa Kahu for your wisdom and guidance.

na Kaleolani